Automatic Release Sling

Automatic Release Sling is the worlds first automatic device that eliminates the high risk element during winching operations. The system allows for a secure connection between the rescuer and the mountain face or other potentially hazardous rescue locations at all times. 

By using the Automatic Release Sling the helicopter is at no time firmly anchored, although the rescuer can be attached to both helicopter and the ground. The rescuer will either follow the helicopter out or be left behind on the ground. There is no ‘intermediate’ scenario where it is uncertain what happens.


– Light Weight 

– Works in all directions

– Proven release mechanism

– Easy to inspect and operate

– For exposed environment 



– Breakingstrenght, primart side (helicopter): 22 kN (Certified according to EN354)

– Breakingstrenght, secondary side (mountain): 15 kN (Certified according to EN3548

– Dimention, packed: 400 x 55 x 30 mm

– Weight: 292 gram

– Material, carrying strap: Polyester webbing, type 1807T, 43 mm, 23 kN (doble)

– Color: Black webbing, black cover. Orange mesh (prevents twisting and show that product is in use)

– Interface, primary: Stitched loop w/reinforcements, accepts all type of standard carabiners.

– Interface, secondary: EN362 type of approval carabiner w/twistlock

– Certified to: EN354 / EN358, EASA & FAA Pending

– Patented: Yes

– Manufacturer: Lite Flite APS Denmark

– Global distributor: Aviation and Survival Support 


For more info visit ARS Safety

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