Aviation and Survival Support har et komplett sortiment tilpasset alle typer SAR operasjoner. I 20 år har vi bidratt til utvikling av og levert systemløsninger til forsvarets redningstjeneste, luftambulanse og offshore/SAR operatører. Utstyret er designet for bruk i de aller tøffeste forhold og for å gi brukere de beste forutsetningene for å kunne utføre sine oppdrag på en effektiv og trygg måte.

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The sMRT SHIELD is the next generation 406MHz & AIS PLB with Water Activation and Return Link Service (RLS)

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Crewsafe V200

Designed specifically for submarines, the Crewsafe V200 transmits GPS coordinates via AIS, VHF DSC and VHF voice message to pinpoint

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sMRT V100x

The sMRT V100x transmits a distress alert and position update via a combination of AIS and VHF DSC technologies in

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sMRT V100

The sMRT V100 transmits a distress alert and position update via a combination of AIS and VHF DSC technologies in

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The flight approved sMRT AU10-HT automatically alerts on 121.5MHz within 2-5 seconds and will track casualties via AIS to within

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The sMRT AU10 is a dual operating AIS Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) alerting on the 121.5MHz international Search and Rescue

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The sMRT AU10 is a dual operating AIS Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) alerting on the 121.5MHz international Search and Rescue

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Emergency Breathing Systems (EBS)

“All Tiger Performance Products, Inc. Survival Breathing Apparatus (SBA) 3000 PSI/207BAR and /4500 PSI/310BAR Emergency Breathing Apparatus (EBS) and Swift Water Emergency Breathing Apparatus (SWBA) meets or exceeds the requirements of EN4856-2023 and EN250-2014”

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WRBA™ Water Rescue Breathing Apparatus

Available soon! Contact us for more information about this new innovative system

WRBA™ Water Rescue Breathing Apparatus - The WRBA™ Water Rescue Ensemble is the most advanced and innovative assembly of components and features for water rescue ever devised. It provides hands free automatic underwater breathing with instant ambient breathing upon surfacing. No matter how challenging the conditions may be, the rescuer has freedom to use both hands and speak voice activated to other rescue personnel while performing rescues. Tactical hear through ear pieces blocks out loud ambient impact sound while providing amplified ambient hearing. The rescuer also may speak to persons being rescued via a voice amplifier. All components are of the highest quality and waterproof.  Day or night rescues are now taken to the highest level ever possible.

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