
2nd SKIN – 8108B

Heavyweight needle protection glove in synthetic leather based on highly approved CPN technology in palm of hand and light impact on knuckles.

For police, armed forces, firefighters and rescue teams


Finger sensitivity and dexterity are 2 major challenges to tackle when designing tactile gloves. Combining the right fabrics with the right fitting – such as in our Target glove – result in a perfect match.

Cut resistance

In many daily operations, cut protection is indispensable. Knife attacks, interventions in extreme situations, the risk of being cut by broken glass, etc. require appropriate protection with carefully selected materials such as para-aramid or HPPE fabrics and specifically designed technologies (e.g. with metal or ceramic meshes). Our tactile CPN-range offers high-risk cut protection in a wide range of situations (law enforcement, prison control, security).


Heat protection

 Both heat resistant and flame retardant features are covered within the EN 407 and EN 659 standards, demanding excellent protection to contact, convective or radiant heat, and other hazards related to fire or heat in general. We keep sourcing the latest fabrics to design gloves that withstand the most fierce conditions.

Water repellent

Water repellency (or liquid repellency in general) may seem easy to solve but actually it’s not. Depending on the situation you are working in, combining water repellency with other levels of protection is not always easy to achieve. Here, too, the search for and application of new technologies are among our key objectives.
  • 6 – 13


  • EN 388:2016
  • EN 420:2011

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